Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happiness is for real only when shared!(Movie Review)

In my search for freedom, I come across a hundred face everyday; some grouped, some as couples and many as alone as me
trying to understand the same feeling which we all call "freedom."......... In this yatra' we are born again-n-again, play our childhood, become adult, have a family and then one day catch the last train. On a similar pursuit was Christopher McCandless.

Framed into a movie are the adventures of this man and named as "Into the Wild" by Director Sean Penn with his beautiful cinematography and the awesome background scores. A good movie that I watched and lived on my birthday yesterday. Jena Malone ... Carine McCandless is the narrator and sister of Christopher. Chris' who topped his graduation gave away his life savings to charity and wanted to go north in Alaskan wilderness. He did not exactly ran away from his parents and the society as a whole but wanted to get lost, renamed himself as Alexander Supertramp. To his new name and identity gives a new birth, hitchhiking and rafting down Colorado river into Mexico, then back into States and up into Alaska. Meeting people from all works, the couple who were struggling with their relation, the farmers of many moods, the old man from the army and of course his small time love with the 16 year old gypsy singer. But as Lord Bryon said,"I love not man the less, but Nature more..." his want to be in Alaska was more than anything.

For around two years he was away from home, reached Alaska in the late winter and in the wilderness there discovered this abandoned bus which he named "The Magic Bus" and made it his abode. Living in the wilderness- hunting and fishing, eating Alaskan squirrels and his mis- adventure of moose hunting, meanwhile remembering all his way into this freedom land. He lived there until one day mistakenly ate some poisonous weed to end his tale of adventure with the Alaskan summer shining on his weirdly pale face through the window of his magical bus. Suddenly on his death bed he realized happiness is for real only when shared and wanted to go home, but the small stream which he had paddled last winter has now turned into a wild river impossible to cross, his want for freedom in nature had engulfed him into her arms. "Some people feel like they don't deserve love. They walk away quietly into empty spaces, trying to close the gaps of the past...but you are wrong if you think that the joy of life comes principally from the joy of human relationships. God's place is all around us, it is in everything and in anything we can experience. People just need to change the way they look at things." Alexander Supertramp's last words were to his parents and probably to the entire society, "What if I were smiling and running into your arms? Would you see then what I see now?".

1 comment:

Man---Of---Joy...................Manoj said...

hey awesome post..keep it up..i will surely add a lot to ur collection soon