Saturday, July 25, 2009
Reading-Typing and not really too much of Thinking
While talking about cars I have this strange affinity for that I wish to drive sometime in future and also probably own a few. Let me check out what are the sensations hitting the road this summer. This particular Indian market list is a long one; all major players have come up with one or even more than one this year. (The Indian Market still grows). Browsing through Xylos and i20’s and Ritz’s and Jazzie. I would pick this Boy Toy-Skoda Yeti for off-road and ask me what to take to pick a date, well driving Fiats luxury sizzler you might even forget your date. That’s Alfa Romeo159, gosh she is hotter anything I wanted to drive. To tell you the truth I do not want to go further into tech-talkin on recent innovation in motoring.
Remember “crankshaft“ – Megan Fox –Transformer –the fallen. It was not that good a movie I would say I mean not par with expectation I had entertaining? Yes! Yet may be the Terminator was bit better or the Potter’s even. Yeah! So Harry has been this week’s chart topper. “Topper” –huh! Anyone or anything who is at the top, like a Group topper, a Class topper, a School topper, College topper, University topper, State topper or even All India topper. We have so many of them; sadly I didn’t even become a bench topper ever!!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
blending colors of man
Here is a brush-up of school level Social Studies. The mankind has been divided into four basic races, the white CAUCASIANS, the black NEGROID, the yellow skinned MONGOLOID and the primitive dark AUSTRALOID native to the islands of differences. But with the advent of changes (socio-economic) the trans-migrations of man over greater distance has been scaling higher and though not yet evenly mixed, still the possibility of finding an Argentine in China and a Tamil in Trinidad notably increased. However talking about how racism might have been triggered to such extends, I would look it into the basic human nature of comparisons and then go back into time- the colonial days, the slavery trade and so on. A white still has the eye to look at an African as slave and a small eyed Chinese for a mafia kind. And both look at the fair skinned as gruesome dictator and hate them more than anything. Though this outlook has significantly decreased and changed because no nation is completely dependent on itself today. Each has to in one way or other trade with individual nations irrespective of color and kind of inhabitants. But most of the times it’s certain smaller fractions of the society that while trying to prove its supremacy over the other, ends up being extensively racial.
Phase 2: Wide View
After having extensively surfed the internet trying to find a certain common phenomenon; found that there are more racial organizations working in Western nations compared to other parts of the world. However their numbers being large and unorganized also makes them not as strong and influential, most of which were born out of “Mutual Rivalry”. Which is why they have less significance and remains underground which makes them less vulnerable to Media exposure and their acts not considered to the extend as to terrorism. Most of the times an incident so happened is considered as handy work of muggers. On contrary there were in fact; are a few more dominant groups like the famous KKK(Ku Klux Klan) of the
Phase 3: Own Backyard
Let us now come back home! The Indian sub continent is a replica of all human races in a smaller frame. You have the Negroid down South, the Caucasoid in North and the Mongoloids in
And for the few mongoloid folks in
Phase 4: Being Through
In wake of summing all that I had assumed, considered and studied in color, there are and were many remarkable people who had taken the burden on their shoulders and have proved us, all over again and again, that the barrier of color is the last remaining strand dividing man. With a presumption that the few of you who have read this would duly appreciate and encourage all various forces ranging from the UNO, the Olympic Federation or the popular media in general and even an humble individual who is playing a part to end racial difference among us. I see it’s all about forgiving and not really bothering about what color one is. It is not a part of the resume and do not by any means define ones personality.